Tuesday, August 29, 2006

its not that bad after all!!?

A week after hostel life:

hey..it really is not that bad!! this hostel life!!

i've been here for two days..and i've just started likin it!!

i ve been a 'home grown' -'listen to mommy' kinda kid for the first 21 yrs of my life!i suddenly realise that i cant be the same nemore!
i cant belive i washed my own clothes and neatly folded them into a compact pile to fit the little cupoard in my room..i hated jobs of this sort at home!! and i used to scorn and frown on my dad who insisted that i do these things at home!

After weekend sojourn at home:

hmmm.i've changed my mind! i love home more..Amma has made delicious lunch for me! it suits my stomach unlike the mess food that gives embarassing burps at wrong hours! and Dad was there with his loud ,commanding voice....
all said and done..Home is where my heart is!

Friday, August 18, 2006

killing time~!!

its the eighteenth of aug 2006..and my computer sez the time is 7.22 am ...but its twelve hours since!!

tat gets me..twelve or thirteen hours behind..to where my friends and my sis have recently left..
the united states of america.!

well i don know what 'substance' i can really write now!..coz i sat thru one hour of TA duty with the patience of an angel..and have no idea how to spend the rest of my time..

i read and re-read my blogs(scanty as they are!) as if it were a ritual mantra!.

in this dismal dept computer facility-dept of chemical engineering...amidst some 28- 30 computers and no humans frequenting this place at this time of the hour..gosh..!!
this gets sick!

this place is definitely what i can call totally 'unhappening';

..i'm stuck here in this place for 4 hrs evry week at around this time in the evening..when the rest of India has fun and watches KANK in evening theaters..

makes life more miserable for me!

a computer with internet connexn can be a great resource...plz!

you there .i heard u say..'yes','ofcourse',' definitely' and things of that kind!
gimme a break .i'm now suffering from terminal disillusionment when to comes how much of your time a computer is worth..


guess wat..its 7.40 am (by my computer standard time!) and the next person on the slot has arrived..all fresh and smiling!

so that means i can go!!!but by this time i now reached a solution to beating the universal phenomenon of boredom..but that will most probably be my next blog!!


Monday, August 14, 2006

brand yourself!

dear blog,

my sincere apologies for your zero input condition for the past few months! i've been on vacation for like a reallly looong time... and real good one too!!

evryone here is absolutely delighted that i'm doing my post graduation at iit ! becoz after 2 years i'll have the iit brand!

almost evryone i've met has told me this thing about iit brand or label!! it has just put me off!

i've never really wanted to be a brand of an institute a clan or community or watever...! and i hated to be tagged an iit stereotype!

somewhere in this whole mess of my life ,i still will want to be myself..my own interests,my likes, dislike and weaknessess...Arrrrrrrrrrgh!

when people talk of iit brand ot label,they forget to view a person as a personality as a whole and paint a picture of his personna in connection to what he does or where he is!
there seems to be an ineradicable ,highly myopic view that excellence is associated with 'what' and 'where' rather just 'how wel'l!

excellence has to be viewed wholistically ...and individualistically...not just based on what one has achieved so far.but based on the greater' unrealised potential' and the motivation to exploit this potential..

well after all this..... it would be better for us to stop institutionalising 'brand' and induvidualise the very rare phenomenon of excellence...

its high time we create an individual brand for ourselves and culitvate some uniqueness in thought and character that defines 'you' and not what you do or where you belong

get a trademark for yourself and be your own brand!!!!