Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Chicken That Crossed The road!!

Why did the chicken cross the road? No one knows. But it did so, one fine morning, for reasons best known only to the proverbial chicken.

What happened to the chicken after it crossed the road! Believe it or not. He was on the Chinese side of the border!

Our poor little chicken was in no time surrounded by a group of rifle bearing biped viviparous creatures that promptly took him to their custody and informed the external affairs of the Chinese republic about his transgression. The Ministry of China for its part decided to the handle the issue seriously and notified the Indian govt about Chicken who had stealthily invaded into Chinese territory. The Indian foreign affairs with calculated lethargy replied in’ Black and white’ to the Chinese high command that since there was no evidence of the chicken holding an ‘Indian passport’. He definitely could not be Indian. The foreign affairs ministry of India put forth the theory, that such a chicken which crossed the road was truly non-existent and it was a figment of imagination of the Chinese Bureaucrats who wanted to rake up the “ border Issue’ at the drop of a hat!

The diplomatic formalities and the parleys that ensued are not mentioned here (for the author who has no belief in the cosmetic Bureaucratic procedures of both nations has not bothered to document them). A whole month had passed since the chicken actually crossed the road. World over protests were raised by animal lovers Ngo’s so and and so…for the chicken whom they believed was unduly tortured by the two nations ,and that if the nations could find no end to the political rigmarole , it would compound matters and both would have the pay the price for what they called ‘illegitimate retention of an animal outside its natural habitat for monetary or other forms of Gain’.

All the while Indian Govt proclaimed that its Foreign policy was to ‘Wait and watch’,

while the Chinese govt. took special efforts to befriend Pakistan for overt but unsaid reasons.

The Indian intelligence bureau decided finally that the ‘Chicken Issue’ was now undergoing a transmogrification from a ‘usual’ border issue to one of sub continental destabilization. This forced the Govt of India to persuade China into Bilateral Talks on the 13 th of March. China too accepted this invitation in a’ seemingly’ gracious manner!

The stage was set. The forks were in place! The chicken in the middle and all these bipeds around him .The talks started amid International Hype and hyperbole. Our poor chicken who had survived these horrific times of his life in anguish, breathed easy for a while. He really couldn’t make what they were talking about, until of course someone (I think a Indian Interlocutor) mentioned ‘Chicken tikka Masala’. The suggestion was unanimously agreed upon. Even the Chinese delegates thought it was an appetizing idea .

Our little hero took to his heels. And did the most enigmatic thing he’d always done, much to the curiosity of us fellow humans. He crossed the road! And Why?

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

its not that bad after all!!?

A week after hostel life: really is not that bad!! this hostel life!!

i've been here for two days..and i've just started likin it!!

i ve been a 'home grown' -'listen to mommy' kinda kid for the first 21 yrs of my life!i suddenly realise that i cant be the same nemore!
i cant belive i washed my own clothes and neatly folded them into a compact pile to fit the little cupoard in my room..i hated jobs of this sort at home!! and i used to scorn and frown on my dad who insisted that i do these things at home!

After weekend sojourn at home:

hmmm.i've changed my mind! i love home more..Amma has made delicious lunch for me! it suits my stomach unlike the mess food that gives embarassing burps at wrong hours! and Dad was there with his loud ,commanding voice....
all said and done..Home is where my heart is!

Friday, August 18, 2006

killing time~!!

its the eighteenth of aug 2006..and my computer sez the time is 7.22 am ...but its twelve hours since!!

tat gets me..twelve or thirteen hours where my friends and my sis have recently left..
the united states of america.!

well i don know what 'substance' i can really write now!..coz i sat thru one hour of TA duty with the patience of an angel..and have no idea how to spend the rest of my time..

i read and re-read my blogs(scanty as they are!) as if it were a ritual mantra!.

in this dismal dept computer facility-dept of chemical engineering...amidst some 28- 30 computers and no humans frequenting this place at this time of the hour..gosh..!!
this gets sick!

this place is definitely what i can call totally 'unhappening';

..i'm stuck here in this place for 4 hrs evry week at around this time in the evening..when the rest of India has fun and watches KANK in evening theaters..

makes life more miserable for me!

a computer with internet connexn can be a great resource...plz!

you there .i heard u say..'yes','ofcourse',' definitely' and things of that kind!
gimme a break .i'm now suffering from terminal disillusionment when to comes how much of your time a computer is worth..


guess wat..its 7.40 am (by my computer standard time!) and the next person on the slot has arrived..all fresh and smiling!

so that means i can go!!!but by this time i now reached a solution to beating the universal phenomenon of boredom..but that will most probably be my next blog!!


Monday, August 14, 2006

brand yourself!

dear blog,

my sincere apologies for your zero input condition for the past few months! i've been on vacation for like a reallly looong time... and real good one too!!

evryone here is absolutely delighted that i'm doing my post graduation at iit ! becoz after 2 years i'll have the iit brand!

almost evryone i've met has told me this thing about iit brand or label!! it has just put me off!

i've never really wanted to be a brand of an institute a clan or community or watever...! and i hated to be tagged an iit stereotype!

somewhere in this whole mess of my life ,i still will want to be own interests,my likes, dislike and weaknessess...Arrrrrrrrrrgh!

when people talk of iit brand ot label,they forget to view a person as a personality as a whole and paint a picture of his personna in connection to what he does or where he is!
there seems to be an ineradicable ,highly myopic view that excellence is associated with 'what' and 'where' rather just 'how wel'l!

excellence has to be viewed wholistically ...and individualistically...not just based on what one has achieved so far.but based on the greater' unrealised potential' and the motivation to exploit this potential..

well after all this..... it would be better for us to stop institutionalising 'brand' and induvidualise the very rare phenomenon of excellence...

its high time we create an individual brand for ourselves and culitvate some uniqueness in thought and character that defines 'you' and not what you do or where you belong

get a trademark for yourself and be your own brand!!!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Doc. I'm NOt WeLL

A day ago i was suddenly taken unwell.. it all started with a mild neck sprain and irritation over my eyes..the next morning the neck ache intensified to such a degree that i was able to manage only slight robotic movements and the irritation developed into a nightmarish headache..

I spent the whole of that day on bed expecting to be back to normal..i tried frequent hot water showers..crocin tablets and a few antibiotics..and even resorted to chocolote for stimulationg my tired body..

no sucesss...

That night i begged my mom for immediate treatement.she had assumed that i was trying one of old tactics to avoid work..
" nO " I screamed." i just cn't take it any longer".. by this time my headache was giving me scary vertigos and I pleaded her to take me to the doctor..
my mom, on hearing accounts of my illness,drove me to the local doc..

Like in clinics all over the world the first thing a patient does on arrival is to wait..I was no execption..

A few minutes (or was it hours. i have little idea how long i had waited) the young attenderlet us enter the doc's cabin..

the doc looked at me..and my opinion, my current state of health was supposed to evoke the emapthy of rest of beings in the universe!! and the doc's smlie unnerved me..
'DOctor i'm not well...huh..i have a severe neck ache and a devastating head ache..puff...i cant breathe well..''

' i feel dizzy and like i'm loosing balance...'

i would have listed out a few more ailments and perfected my tone of urgency had it not been for the liitle light on his headgear that shone directly over my face...
soon he ws inserting a stainless steel rod into my nostril and pulling it a bit and focussing light on it..i concluded chinese torture could have been better!

he then pressed the bones over my eyes...AAAAH...this was Massage..

i guessed his clinical examination was over when he pulled out his pen and started scribbling something..he resumed the converstion with my mom on his previous workplace ,job politics etc...(they had been collegues earlier)...while i wondered if doctors undertake special training to get their cryptic handwriting...
He had scribbled 'Alergic rhinitis\allergic brochitis\sinusitis' and some medicines underneath this diagnosis..he then turned the paper and wrote in "ALL CAPS' "EXCERCISE EVERY MORNING"
and then said...

'This is the most important medical treatment ..i must give you.'. with a wry smile on his face..

HMPH...' i grunted to myself..

and as i left i heard him say 'dont forget excercise,lady'

my neck ache has subsided and headache is almost gone. and am strictly following his prescription..but 'the most important treatment'..I WILL DO IT TOMMORROW!! hah..

Sunday, June 04, 2006

my first blog!

It is only a week since my hols started and am already bored of it... Incesssant tv watching and orkutting have lost their charm already..!!

Yet this was what I had planned to do in the 2 -months of holidays that I have before me.
2 months is a great deal of time! considering the meagre 1.5-2 week 'vacation' that our college ocassionally let us have.. not much of holidaying was actually done in that time..but it was a blissful 'stay away' from the dismal building and tiresome routine..

After this so called 'Vacation' we would return to our colleges on rickety buses,get through the chaotic traffic and jump into our seats with feinged anticipation.

Survival was a key concept in depends on selective listening to some,on finishing the SUDOKU in the morning paper during class, on geting every detail of the teachers face with accuracy on the Notebook...need less to say lecture time did really help us unleash our creative skills..

Then the attendance session..this is only thing that we all look forward to and signifies the sole purpose of existence in college..getting marked present for sitting through soporific lectures and meaningless rantings is no more than a highest reward for our tenacity..

After 4 years, college wasn't absolutely a was 'nice' and tats about it... ' nice' is one phenomenal adjective that fits in mysteriously everywhere ... and is ,in a way, indicative of the wirter's ambivalence about an isssue !!

Now, done with my final semester examinations reminiscences of that the college life that I have left behind and specualtions of the life ahead continue to haunt me....

You have just read my first blog..

I am not being modest if call myself a good writer.I am blogger by chance..and am used to dishing out articles at the pace of the provervbial snail..yet. I must mention that I have started to blog to keep my creative afflatus afloat..however, as a blogger ,I hope to develop and retain my commitment to regular blogging..

thanks and regards..